The page rank and the indexing of this old inactive blog has "fallen off" the radar of Google's indexing in their last page ranking exercise and it is now back to zero! Which though unfortunate, if I cared about the PR and I'm not as this blog is not monetized; gives me an opportunity to try to see how fast I can get it indexed again. And why is it so important to get your web site and pages indexed? If not then you'll never be found! So I'd started to make some comments on other blogs to get some backlinks and also submitted to a few free "engines".
To help my fellow classmates along (who would be treading the same path soon enough with their new websites or blogs) I have included one of them on the right sidebar (click on the Free Web Submission button) for their convenient usage. And since Google loves fresh content (everything fresh is nice lah!) updating your blog or website often with fresh contents helps. That's what I am doing here. So let's see if I can resuscitate this dead old blog back to life!
Trust this is of some help
BTW - The use of the title of this post - "Dead or Alive" is according to WordTracker (free version) is a keyword with over a thousand searches a day. Whatever.
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